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Strange, clever, dreaming. Not really much to say about myself. Not releasing too many personal details. I prefer to stay unknown...AND MYSTERIOUS!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Paralized With Fear!

I just woke up, and the weirdest thing happened.

You see, I woke up, and, well, I think I woke up.  My thoughts sort of continued where my dream left off, and they kept wandering around.  But anyway, my Dad's here and I thought he was up and walking around.  But then he stopped, and I felt like someone was standing over me.  I tried to get up and look.  I'm not sure if I did look, but either I didn't see my Dad or I could hear that he was still sleeping.

Whatever the case may be, I couldn't move.  Unless I turned my head to see my Dad not standing there.  I'm not sure if I did.  I barely understand it so I'm not sure you will.  But a great panic overtook me, and it kept me from moving.  All of a sudden the panic stopped, all the while I was still going through the dream state.  Even though the fear was gone, I felt like it was pushing on me, trying to freak me out, and I had to keep pushing back so that it didn't take over. 

For a moment, all seemed calm.  My dream-state was pulling out some weird phantasy to account for this new idea, when all of a sudden BAM.  Images started flashing by, and I became absolutely terrified.  I could hear myself breathing loudly and rapidly.

I finally awoke, properly.  I was so shaken by the event that after a few minutes of simply retelling it to myself, I awoke my Dad and told him.

He, of course, reinforced the idea of a phenomenon thought to have caused people to believe they've been abducted by aliens.  Sometimes your mind awakes while your body is still asleep.  You'd be paralyzed, and in your minds wandering state you might start to see some aliens.  I'm pretty glad I didn't see ay of those, because then I might have to be changing my pants right now instead of writing this.

This is almost definitely the answer.  However, there are a few things that stand out to me.  One is I could understand being frightened out of your wits if you awoke, saw a strange creature looming over you, and couldn't move.  But I'm not even sure I opened my eyes, and I was panicked.  The science would tell me it was because I couldn't move, but I swear it was because I was scared that I couldn't move. 

Also, it really felt that the panic that overtook me kept trying to push at me, only succeeding once I lowered my guard.  However, in my dream state, part of my guard was envisioning a force-field around my brain.  So maybe that was part of the dream, too.

That's what really freaks me out, though.  I don't know what happened.  Two minutes of my life, I experienced very surely and obviously remember well, yet I don't know what happened.  Did I turn my head, then get hit with more panic?  Was some sort of fear trying to overtake me, and I actually defended myself from it?  Was I even awake at all?  Was it just some crazy dream lucid dream, and the dream before that was a dream within a dream? 

I don't know.  I'm not saying it was a ghost or anything, although I know part of me would love to believe that.  But hey, it got me to blog two days in a row, right? 

Well that's about it.  I know I'd start repeating myself, so I'm just going to leave it at this.

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