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Strange, clever, dreaming. Not really much to say about myself. Not releasing too many personal details. I prefer to stay unknown...AND MYSTERIOUS!

Appreciation Week

Appreciation week is a holiday I created to celebrate friends and family and how awesome they are.
Of course you are welcome to do this in person, but for those deciding to take an online approach, may I suggest trying this template?

[Friend's Name Here] [Compliments] You're awesome.  Stay epic my friend.  -[Your Name]

Appreciation Week is the week before Christmas.  No, not the 7 days before, the week before. Sunday to Saturday.  If Christmas is on a Wednesday, then there will be a few days in between the two.

There are some specific days that help form Appreciation Week, though of course you can do all these things on whatever day you want, and all days are for compliments.

Day of Thanks   

Specifically for thanking friends and family for being there for you.

Day of Memories

A day for reminiscing in the good ol' days with friends and family, remembering that amazing birthday party, the worst, yet best, family trip, or just a great day at school.

Normal Day

A normal day for compliments.

Lovely Wednesday

Specifically for family, or that special someone.

Normal Day

A normal day for compliments.

Day of Apology

Special day to apologize to those you know, even if it's for something completely insignificant and something they probably don't remember, but has always nagged at you.

Ceremony of the Future

A day to wish for a bright future with those you know.  A day to hope for them to always be there for you, and you for them.

Well there is the calender.  Now you might be asking yourself, "Why do we need a specific time to appreciate those we care about?"  Well the reason is: we don't.  Frankly, you should always appreciate your friends and family, because you never know if something unfortunate can happen and they are all gone, and you are left wondering how you let the time slip by so fast.  This can be something as simple as a move, or as disastrous as a nuclear war.

Anyway, that is something good to live by.  That said, I made Appreciation Week  specifically for showering people in praise, compliments, and thanks.  Though it is good to compliment friends, I personally don't think you should ever do it on the scale that Appreciation Week was created for.  This is a time to reveal to those you know all the good little thinks that make them your best friend, your favorite cousin, or the grandparent you want to sit next to at the family reunion, but things that could get obnoxious if you remind the person once a day. 

I was talking to my Mom and she said, "It shouldn't be during Christmas, there are already so many holidays during that time."  I took a moment to think about it, and realized that makes it even more meaningful.  Because honestly, with all those holidays, it becomes easy to forget what they are about.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and all the many holidays during that time, are times to cherish your friends and family, but it can easily be 'Present Time' , 'Yummy Food Time' or 'Vacation.'  Which makes Appreciation Week even more important, not that it should, in any way, replace the family time you should be spending on actual holidays.

I hope you all enjoy this holiday, and it is as fun to you as it was for me.
-Logic Box


  1. Love the idea of an APPRECIATION WEEK! We should all take advantage of that special time, even though giving thanks and showing appreciation should occur EVERY day of our lives. Good idea, Cam! Love ya,

  2. I'm hoping I can get more people celebrating next year. Unfortunately I only thought of the idea near the end of the week. Thanks for reading!
