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Strange, clever, dreaming. Not really much to say about myself. Not releasing too many personal details. I prefer to stay unknown...AND MYSTERIOUS!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Down to Business

Today's Topics:
  • Stuff
 Yes, yes.  I'm back.  But here at Logically Ridiculous, we don't do touching reunions so, as the title implies, let's get down to business.

So let's get a few things out of the way.  Yes, I have enough monthly data to regularly blog.  No, I don't have enough to do any of the many online-projects I want to do.  Special Minecraft Servers, World of Warcraft Dead-Server Revival Efforts, or starting up a YouTube Channel are, unfortunately, some things that are going to have to wait a while.

Also, lately I have been kept extremely busy.  I'm trying to finish my book by this month (mid July at the latest), and, despite the lack of data, I keep having project after project I need to work on/think about.

This means that I have no idea how often I'll be blogging, or how often I'll even have anything worth blogging about.  I'll try to tone down the 'have you ever really thought about life' stuff, but I'll see what I can do.  I don't get out much and most projects aren't things that are worth sharing, so I don't know how much else there will be to talk about.  But I'll find something in this crazy mind of mine.

During my time away I've fallen deeper into my Crazed Dimension of Perspective, and, on an unrelated side-note, my typing skills seemed to have decreased as well.  Anyway, this means that my posts, life-related or no, should get a bit more...interesting...We'll see how that goes.

I'm not exactly sure what the situation was last time I posted.  Let's see, my last message was...what, four months ago?  I've got a place, now.  Something small, but it'll do for now. 

Now for a completely different topic: Uniforms.  The school's of Australia have uniforms, and some of them are ridiculous.  Some kids have to wear barber-shop trio hats, or brightly colored matching socks.  Now I'm no historian, but if you showed me the dresses a lot of these girls have to put on, I would've guessed that they were worn by servants to Queen Victoria.  :|  See.  I used an emoticon in my blog post.  The uniforms are so ridiculous that they drove me to this.  Emoticons in blog posts is not something that'll happen often, I can assure you.

And apparently "that'll" is not a word.  Pfft.

Well, it's just past 9:30.  I probably shouldn't blog past 9:30.  Despite having some crazy, 2AM bed-time friends, my mind seems to start deteriorating around this time, or a bit later.  I don't even know.  That's probably a sign it's starting.  Or a sign that I'm making it all up.  I can't even tell anymore.  Sheesh.

Good to be back...Again...
Logic Box

P.S. Jeez, I forgot how awesome my blog looks.  

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