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Strange, clever, dreaming. Not really much to say about myself. Not releasing too many personal details. I prefer to stay unknown...AND MYSTERIOUS!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Past, the Present, and (Back to) the Future

Today's Topics:
  • Back to the Future
  • Life
  • Other Things (I'm so detailed, aren't I?)
Okay, let me say this.  This has very little to do with Back to the Future, but I just watched it a few days ago, and I couldn't let such an awesome title opportunity like that go by.

But anyway, Back to the Future is one of my favorites, and it's a classic.  Although I doubt we'll be seeing Hover boards and Flying Cars by the time the movie suggests, we've come a long way, haven't we?  I was going to compare 80's slang to today's, but I can't really think of anything right now...

Anyway, that's only one thing.  Like, like...Hmm, can't think of those either. Well, I said this part would be short...

Although I hope to God fashion is nothing like in Back to the Future II.

Anyway, now onto other things.  Before I get to the imporant stuff, I'd like to remind everyone, please check the 'Featured Post' every now and again.  You never know when it might change, and whatever is in there is normally pretty important.

Now for the 'Life' part of Today's Topics.  Now a word of advice to all of you: Don't make the same mistakes I did.  I have a lot of regrets.  Things I did wrong, or more importantly, things I didn't do at all.

A friend told me "Our eyes are placed in the front of our head because we should be looking forward, not back."  And although I do think a lot about the Future (even if a lot of it is unrealistic and involved me becoming rich), the past is about all I have to hold on to, right now.

I had a good two or three years notice before we left for Australia.  But I didn't do a thing about it.  I continued on as if things were normal.  Now I'm not saying I should have been all mopey and gloomy.  I certainly did a lot of that, too.

My problem was I didn't spend my time wisely enough.  If I could have balanced gloomy and normal, I could've had the perfect combo, and I would have made every minute count.  Every one.  Because you never know what's going to happen.  I was actually pretty lucky, I had a lot of time to prepare.  A good warning.

Now this is pretty serious, so get ready.  I was reading some blogs, and one had some big stuff.  Some bad things started happening to this landlords tenant (as in drugs bad), but, after a talk, it seemed like things were going to get better.  But all of a sudden, the tenants dad get's a weird phone call.  Next time he saw his son, he was dead.  Suicide. 

Now I don't think most people are getting off drug abuse and have thoughts of committing suicide like this kid did, but the point is, you don't know what can happen tomorrow.  Or the next day.

Make every moment count, because although, in all likely hood, all the people you know WILL be there tomorrow, it's good to know that you played your part in giving them the best life possible, alive or otherwise.

And another thing: I've got it pretty good, believe it or not.  Even with all these terrible circumstances, all this uncertainty, it could've been a lot worse.  How do I know?  My Mom's been through worse, during her childhood.

I won't reveal too much, since it's not my story to give.  But she was born in a country of conflict, torn by war, and had to do many, many moves to get away from it.  She's lived in four countries, two of them I'm guessing involved a lot of uncertainty.  What will tomorrow bring?  What's going to happen?  When will this be over?

Which is definitely a lot worse than what I'm going through right now.  And even though I find myself asking many of these questions from day to day, they definitely don't have as much fear as I'm sure her's did.

Well, that's about all I have to say, other than I should be getting better internet very very soon.

Enjoy life, because it doesn't last forever.
Logic Box

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