- Books
- Secret Project Details
- Other Things
Well, it's been a while since my last blog post. A very long while. Too long. And after I'm sure you all went into despair about the loss of my regular posting, and constant urging from a certain friend/blogger, I have returned. And with good news. Now there is no definite date, but I should, should be getting more internet soon. Better internet. Enough internet to play World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and Starcraft, all at the same time.
Like I said, should. And, with more uncertainty, I may, may, have to take a break between blogging (as if there wasn't enough already). Why? Well, because this internet has an expiration date. Now, with me, you might be thinking that's some sort of analogy, but no, it isn't. And I don't know whether or not I'll have more data by the time it expires or not. But I'll keep you posted.
Alright, now onto the good stuff! Writing! It's awesome, my dad, my sister, and myself are all working on books (although my sister told me she isn't sure whether she'll publish or not). Amazing, isn't it. I'm hoping that with all this, we can get, as a fictional character once said, 'some serious cashola.'
I'm writing what I guess you can call 'Realistic Fiction' (if you read it, you'll see why there's uncertainty), while my sister is writing a sci-fi. My dad is writing a fantasy directed towards a younger audience, though I'm sure I'll still enjoy it.
I won't release too many details, since I have no idea what they want to tell. They might not even want me saying it here, so I'll just leave it at that.
As for my own novel, however...
Although I have been procrastination more than you might think possible, I should be done by the end of the Northern Hemisphere's Summer. Once again, no promises. None at all. This is a very rough estimate, and mostly one just so I have something to say on this blog.
Also, news on the secret project. It's VERY close to completion. Just have to check things out with someone, and clean up some finishing touches. Though I might wait until I have some more internet data, just so I can better organize what is going to happen with those I'm working with. But I hope it's done soon, and that you all enjoy it!
Well, I guess that's not too bad for a returning post. Hopefully I can write more soon. I can barely force myself to get up in the morning, let alone post boring things about my life. But I'm doing the best I can here, and I hope things only get better.
Logic Box
P.S (Can you have a P.S in a blog post?) I'm changing the time zone to Sydney, Australia! That way you know what time it was for me when I posted. This one's a bit of a late-nighter.
P.S*2 (I think this one's a bit of a rule breaker) Does my writing seem off to you guys? I don't know what it is, but it feels...different...Maybe it's just because I'm up too late to be doing intelligent things.
Yes!!!! My constant urging worked!!!!