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Strange, clever, dreaming. Not really much to say about myself. Not releasing too many personal details. I prefer to stay unknown...AND MYSTERIOUS!

Some Words on Life

Here is a memoir I wrote for school a long time ago.  It's probably one of the best things I've ever written.  Enjoy!

My name is omitted, simply replaced by "Logic".  

My life; one speck on a drop of ink on the Universe’s Calendar.  Who am I, on this world?  What part do I play, being one out of several billion in our microscopic corner of the universe?
              Our time on this world is limited, and I am only in my early years of the magnificent thing we call life.  Yet, a lot can happen in even my short life time.  Thousands, maybe millions have been born since I have.  Conflicts have arisen and ended.  Technology has continued to advance. 
            Not to mention everything that has changed within myself.  A lot has happened to me in this small time, maybe more than some twice my age (revealed to me when I met my Second Grade teacher last week).  Looking back, I am realizing that it can take two months, or two minutes, to impact your life.  So, get ready, reader, because you are about to enter the mind of Logic!
            There are few things I can remember before Kindergarten.  The first being the classic ‘you shouldn’t touch the pot because it’s hot but you’re going to do it anyway’ scenario.  I’m guessing it’s something most children go through.  Because, really, who can resist touching a nice shiny pot?  Plus, children of that age do not normally have enough knowledge to know why they shouldn’t touch the pot.  They don’t really know pain, what would they have to fear from touching something?
            Anyway, in that fraction of a second, in one blink of an eye, I learned something.  Something that is essential to human life, something so important.  Something taught faster than how to walk, talk, or put food into your own mouth.  Life knows how to teach us a lesson, when needed.  I mean just imagine if we never learned not to touch burning things.
            Ah, Kindergarten.  Good times!  It seems like every year from Kindergarten to Third, maybe Fourth Grade, there is a trip to the zoo.  Well, it was the end of the year, so naturally, that’s where the class went.  In my group, there was one kid that was always going ahead of us.  This got him into a bit of trouble (though, I admit, I also went ahead, but it was to get go get him!).
            So, of course, when I saw him leave the shark room, I didn’t think the group had left yet.  I thought he was simply wandering off again.  But, when I looked around the room, I realized he was actually behind for once, and my group was nowhere to be found. 
            My hands got sweaty.  I ran around, desperately trying to find my group.  I remember the horror going through my mind.  What if I’m never found?  I ran around the room, looking for a familiar face.  Though, finally I ended up finding another group from my class.   They helped me get back to my own group and then I got a good scolding from my teacher.  Once again, Life had taught me another valuable lesson.  Pay attention and don’t wander off.  In only a matter of minutes, I had the message embedded in my mind, to keep a careful eye on whoever I was with, when traveling.

            Now, let’s skip ahead a couple years up to Second Grade.  Even better times.  I made some great friends that year.  I have many good memories from the time spent in that class.
            Anyway, there was one day that would change my life forever.  That day, an idea was born; an idea made to entertain, occupy, and stimulate the mind.  It was a normal day at school.  Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by ‘normal’ is.  We could get pretty crazy in that class and no day was boring.
            It was early into the day when it happened.  The sun was rising; it was the dawn of a new era.  We were just checking our math homework like we normally did at this time.  I remember that this particular assignment had to do with measuring things.  One student was reading one of their answers.  They had measured some sort of bread.
            It had a peculiar name, which  I still don’t remember.  And, when I needed to repeat the name, I simply said, “Honker bread.”  Why?  I have no idea.  Maybe it rhymed.  Maybe it sounded something like the name.  Heck, it was probably just the first thing that popped into my mind. 
            But whatever it was, it sparked a response:  “There is no such thing as honker bread!”  Someone else replied, “There is in Logic World!”  There is in Logic World.  Who knew those five words could hold such power.  That one simple, tiny, sarcastic phrase would change me. 
            From that sentence, an idea came into existence.  An idea of a strange new world.  Logic World.  Yes, it started out rather silly, but it got better.  That year, the class sort of went into a Logic World Craze.  Others even made their own worlds.  Comics, stories, and events were made based off of this one idea.  We all got little ID cards.
            When I moved to Colorado the next year, I expanded this universe, enriching the imaginations of even more people. And then it evolved.  That one silly world turned into a whole galaxy.  Logic World became Caladar, and even more stories erupted into existence.  Conflicts and magic and technology came, new worlds were created, the idea just became so much bigger.
            This idea has led to the planning of books and games, and has made countless pieces of art (all much more serious than a planet ruled by an 8 year old boy).  It is a universe in my mind that I am constantly working on, constantly building off of.  All this was created, because one person decided to say one sentence, after I commented about a piece of bread.  
            During the second half of Seventh Grade, my school decided to put on a play.  A great play, by the way, very funny.  Anyway, I had a small role in it, and it was at the end, which meant I had to stay the entire rehearsal.   I remember being sooo bored having to sit pretty quietly for nearly two hours.
            And yet, at the same time, it was fun.  It gave me some time to talk to friends, make new ones, and strengthen relationships that I already had.  And all that hard work paid off.  Though, it’s sort of strange. 
            Yes, I definitely am glad I got in the play.  It was a lot of fun.  But the things that really impacted my life happened *snap* like that.  This was something fun, though not quite as impacting, which took months!  It’s strange how life turns out, sometimes.

            Now, during the play’s production, I was working on something.  It was, what I thought at the time (and this still may hold true), my last big project before I would move again.

            I was planning a huge party, something that would hopefully reach the ‘Most fun Times in my Life’ list for most of the attendants.  Most of that planning took place during the play rehearsals.   I would chatter away with my friends, trying to figure out what we should do, where we should do it, when, whether we would do air-soft battles and whatnot. 
            Now, it didn’t turn out nearly as epic as we had planned.  Nothing close.  And I was devastated when I finally decided to realize this.  But, it was something to do.  Something to hope for.  Something to keep my mind occupied, and to give me and my friends one last thing to work on together.
            Another strange way that life turns out.  Sometimes the things you spend the most time and effort on are the things that impact you the least.  The things that don’t really matter and, in the end, are the ones that are nothing but fun fantasies.  Dreams that you wake up from, but still linger in your mind when you get out of bed.

            Ah, life…  Its mysteries have baffled scientists and philosophers for eons.  Something huge and important can happen in a split second, whereas something that takes months, just in preparation alone, can do next to nothing to change who we are, or who we become. 
            Yet, maybe that is only what we think at first.  Who’s to say that something doesn’t impact us at a certain time?  Maybe when I look back, I’ll realize that becoming a cast member of that play did help me, and Logic World was nothing but another dream.  Maybe a prolonged dream, but a dream nonetheless.  Something simply to keep the mind working at present, but doing nothing for it in the long run.  Or maybe they all change us, in their own little ways.  Who am I to say?  I am simply one person, and a young one at that, here to present you with some evidence to help you reach your own verdict. 
            But one thing I am certain of.  It is that we will never truly know the mysteries of life.  It will always dazzle us with its wonders.  It will always give us something to live for.  It will always have that surprise birthday party that you should have been expecting but you didn’t.  The world is huge, and we have very little time on it.  But in that time, so much can happen.  So the question is, what are you going to do with yours?  The world is big.  Go out and enjoy it.  We don’t have forever.  The clock is ticking.  Enjoy.

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