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Strange, clever, dreaming. Not really much to say about myself. Not releasing too many personal details. I prefer to stay unknown...AND MYSTERIOUS!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Past, the Present, and (Back to) the Future

Today's Topics:
  • Back to the Future
  • Life
  • Other Things (I'm so detailed, aren't I?)
Okay, let me say this.  This has very little to do with Back to the Future, but I just watched it a few days ago, and I couldn't let such an awesome title opportunity like that go by.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

It Just Keeps Going..And Going...And Going...

Today's Topic:
    • SOPA
    • PIPA
    • ACTA

    First (sort of, you'll see why in a sec) we got SOPA.  The Stop Online Piracy Act.  You've almost definitely heard about it;  I talked a little bit about it here, though you most likely read about it from the many other sites that shut down for a while (including Twitter, Wikipedia, and Can I Has Cheezburger?).  Then came PIPA, which the protests also talked about, but SOPA, coming first was the big one.  Then we finally banished the two of them back to whence they came, turning even their own supporters against them.  But I've got news for you, it ain't over.

    I Guess it Runs in the Family

    Today's Topics:
    • Books
    • Secret Project Details
    • Other Things

    Well, it's been a while since my last blog post.  A very long while.  Too long.  And after I'm sure you all went into despair about the loss of my regular posting, and constant urging from a certain friend/blogger, I have returned.  And with good news.  Now there is no definite date, but I should, should be getting more internet soon.  Better internet.  Enough internet to play World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and Starcraft, all at the same time. 

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    Bad Beginnings

    Today's Topics:
    • Not much

    Well, not a good start to my stuff that I talked about last post.  And unfortunately, it's not going to happen soon.  I'm just too limited by my internet, and, even if blogging takes up very little data, we really need to conserve every bit we can.

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    I Can't Think of a Title

    Today's Topics:
    • Small Revisit
    • Self Revision
    • Upcoming Thing
     Alright.  As the title implies, I could not think of a good title today.  I'm not feeling overly creative.  I'd just like to take one quick moment to mention a subject of my previous post, SOPA.  Now I don't want to linger on it, but I want to, once again, apologize for any inaccurate information.  I don't know what I'm talking about half the time, and with something as complicated as politics, that's no exception.  But really, I'm not sure if anyone knows what they are talking about when it comes to bills.  Where do you read them?  And they are so specific, that if you slightly misread them, I'm guessing it can really mess things up.  And then if a few of the 'experts' mess up, everyone else will go with them, excepting this as fact.  That's why I don't normally get involved.

    Saturday, January 7, 2012

    The Return

    Today's Topics:

    • Stuff

    I'm back!  We got some more gigs on our internet, but not a ton, so I can't go too crazy.  First I'd like to say that my cousins have played with the Nerf Guns a good deal.  It just seems to be something about the Vulcan...Maybe it's the fact that that thing is heavy even for me, and they forgot to bring their tripod.  But still...