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Strange, clever, dreaming. Not really much to say about myself. Not releasing too many personal details. I prefer to stay unknown...AND MYSTERIOUS!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Legend of Logic Box

Today's topic:
  • Becoming a Legend
This has nothing to do with the Holidays, but it just came to mind, and the way I thought about it sounds sort of cool.  Also, I'm going to use the name Logic Box instead of my real name.

Now I know I'm not 'The Topic' over in Colorado.  I know that everybody's lives continue without me, as I surely expect, and should happen (even if friends tell me otherwise).  But I'm sure there is at least one person over there that has found him or herself asking, "Who is this Logic Box guy?"

I'm sure, from time to time, I get mentioned (because I remember me and my friends infrequently mentioning those who had moved elsewhere).  But, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm not going back to Colorado (not in the time that it matters).  I might not even be going back to America until I'm on my own.  So, as the years pass, I just imagine my name becoming sort of a 'Whispered Name.'

I think when I left Washington, my name became a bit of a 'Legend' [excessive overstatement used for dramatic effect].  I know I got a lot on my side, letters, e-mails, pictures.  And I had already been sort of 'famous' over there after having at least half the class in either my Comic Book Business or 'citizens' of my World, so I'm sure I had a lot more talk there (not to mention it was a pretty close class).

In light of all this, I've written myself a small Myth (not vain at all!).

A Man once left this country for the promised land,
a land isolated by Nature, and from technology.

He brought news of the land, reporting that it was not for him.
Many friends worked to help him return,
But the Tides of the Economy prevented the journey.

So now, the Man sits and watches from his Observation Site,
using the One Tool known as Skype,
to oversee projects and activities.

But one day, he plans to return in a glorious metal bird,
Whether with current stubble or a full grown beard,
but return nonetheless.

And, depending if the Tides of Economy have turned in his favor,
and in ours, he will travel, possibly taking some with him,
across the globe.

The World will be the Travelers' Oyster.
Fun before the rest of their long careers of living.
And on from there, who knows.
After that, it's just Life.

This mysticism was brought to you by the ever humble,
Logic Box

By the way, I'm thinking of changing how this sight looks.  It feels a bit...Off....  For some reason, the word 'Clunky' comes to mind.  Not sure if that makes sense.  Feedback on the site's look is welcome.  Thanks, Logic Box.

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